Friday 3 May 2019

The 5 Best Exercises You Rarely See in a Big Box Gym

The 5 Best Exercises You Rarely See in a Big Box Gym

Think back to your time in a big box gym or other “gym” environment and recall all the incredible things taking place.
Some of my best (and by best, I mean worst) memories include the young female learning how to deadlift (ouch!), the isolated arm curls, the back-breaking crunches, the single arm triceps cable extension with a glance in the mirror, the machine circuits that put you in the seated position, the numerous exercises I couldn’t identify, and the other exercises that broke every rule of spine health, progression, and proper form.
The topic for today, however, is to identify THE BEST exercises (or skills) least likely to be seen in a big box gym.
Drum roll, please…..

Crawling is the Best Exercise You Aren’t Doing

#6: Any type of CARRY:  This is such a fun list that I had to add an additional exercise.  Whether you are talking about a Farmer Carry, Suitcase Carry, or any Carry…this is an exercise you rarely see in a big box gym.
#5: KETTLEBELL SWING:  The Swing is the best exercise to drive your metabolism.  How could an exercise be so good for you yet so unknown and mysterious in our society?
#4: CRAWLING:  Crawling is the best exercise you aren’t doing.  Tapping into human evolution is a pretty good place to begin when having a desire to reduce the risk of injury, enhance reflexive core stability, or just improve your body’s ability to perform.
#3: KETTLEBELL SNATCH: The Snatch is the KING of Kettlebell skills.  Enough said!
#2: TURKISH GET UP: Seeing a TGU in a big box gym is as common as seeing a purple horned unicorn…not likely, and if you do you should probably wake up.
#1: THE LONG CYCLE:  The double Kettlebell Long Cycle is such an incredible exercise for those who have mastered Kettlebell skills such as the Swing, Snatch, Clean, and Push Press.  Get an autograph if you see someone who is proficient with this skill in a big box gym.  If they are proficient, you’ll witness someone who is strong, powerful, injury resilient, and has an ability to perform well with anything they put their mind to.

If they are proficient with the LONG CYCLE, you’ll witness someone who is strong, powerful, injury resilient, and has an ability to perform well with anything they put their mind to.

There you have it…the 5 (with a bonus #6) best exercises you are least likely to see in a big box gym.
Why do you think these exercises and skills are absent from a mainstream gym?
