Monday 1 July 2019

The YPJ Digital School Is Coming Soon!

Do You Guarantee Personalized Progression?

We are taking every coach from GOOD to GREAT to WORLD CLASS with the launching of the YPJ digital school this July.

Welcome to a new breed of fitness certifications. In addition to the education in our Level I certification, you’ll have the opportunity to join a community, start your own business from the convenience of your own home, make an impact on anyone’s life regardless of location, see financial success, and create the lifestyle you’ve dreamed of in our Level II Certification. Best of all, successful completion of Level I provides the opportunity to take advantage of Level II.

The first and most important course is the Level I Coaching Certification.  This Certification consists of 37 lectures and 35 quizzes on your way to obtaining your Level I certification.  We’ll help you understand the proven systems and framework that delivers and guarantees personalized progression.

Every level I Certified Coach then has the option of becoming a Level II Certified Coach and coaching on our digital platform.  The Level II Coach can create the lifestyle they have only dreamed of because we partner with you and take the training out of personal training.

Stay on the lookout for the launch and begin celebrating personalized progression.
